106.66 Acres - Polk County, MN
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Auction Note
This exceptional land offering in Polk County, MN, features two highly productive parcels of cropland with strong cropping histories and excellent access. Parcel 1 is located in Bygland Township, and parcel 2 in Vineland Township. Both parcels feature well-drained soils ideal for a variety of crops, and the property is available to farm in 2025! This online-only auction presents an excellent opportunity to expand your farming operation or secure a sound agricultural investment.
Parcel 1
This productive parcel features well-drained soils and a strong history of crop production, making it an excellent choice for agricultural operators or investors.
Parcel 2
This larger parcel features 78.58 +/- cropland acres and offers excellent accessibility. It is a prime addition to any farming or investment portfolio.